Saturday, July 19, 2014

Boys Will Be Boys

Alright, I know you've seen this little man on my blog already, but he's worth another gander.  I took these awhile back during my last visit to Oregon and this was my first experience photographing a newborn, so of course I was excited!  I had all of these visions of exactly how everything was going to go and what we were going to pose him like as he slept peacefully through the hour.  HAHAHA! I know, right!?  But I should have known that photo shoots NEVER go as planned and babies are the masters at messing plans up!  Callum was all about being wide awake, testing the limits of his arm flailing, and making it his own personal challenge to flash the camera as many times as humanly possible.  Sounds like a typical boy, if you ask me!  I just rolled with the punches, and had a blast photographing this little man!

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