I wish I was in Oregon celebrating this mother's day with these lovely ladies above. This photo was taken by Aly Mac Photography when Cecily was 6 weeks old. Look how tiny she is!
I know so much more about mothers today than I did last mother's day...and that, my friends, is the understatement of the year! To sum it up, I'm going to leave you my top 5 gems of new found knowledge:
- The job really IS hard! It doesn't matter what people tell you to warn you, prepare you, or whatever you'd like to call it. It will knock you down straight on your exhausted, baby food splattered face!
- They aren't lying when they say it's totally worth it. I could name a million things I've already given up and I only have one baby. The thing is, moms trade in an insanely huge portion of their lives and bodies to be a mom....and many will do it again, and again. Why? Because it really is worth it.
- I never really understood just how much I was loved until I became a mother. You will never know exactly how much your mom loves you until you experience that same kind of love yourself. Sorry boys, you're just not in the club when it comes to this one :)
- Your emotional capacity is already stretched so thin that fluids just literally start streaming out of your face for no good reason. You're freaking U-571 just patching up leaks, people. You cry when you're sad, you cry when you're happy, you cry when you're stressed. You cry at 4am when you have to get up again and you're running on less sleep than an Army Ranger. You tear up when you watch the news and wonder how you're going to raise and protect a little girl in the type of world we live in today....and you cry when you don't have time to blow dry your hair for the 8 millionth day in a row....oh wait, that's just me?
- We appreciate the flowers and breakfast in bed, but what most moms want more than anything in the world, is ONE solid day of rest. An honorary Saturday, if you will. Shut away in a hotel room where nobody else is invited, except room service, and you don't have to get out of bed for anything! Who's with me, moms? (A day spa would work too....in case a special someone is reading!)
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