Saturday, May 17, 2014

I heart Oregon

We've finally made it back to Oregon and we get to spend four glorious weeks here!  I'm definitely excited to visit with friends and family, but honestly, this time I was most excited to soak up the perfect weather, eat all of my meals outdoors, and feel the soft green grass on my bare feet.  Oh, how I miss Oregon sometimes!  Utah and I have not been on the best of terms lately.  The unstable weather conditions and green shrubs that come off more grey than any other color were just not cutting it for me lately.  You can call me a tree-hugging hippie if you'd like, but you just can't find grass like this in Utah!  So, we kicked the trip off by going to buy plants and vegetables for my mom's garden and have been spending a little quality time with the great outdoors.

Another thing we're excited for this trip is to welcome the new Flockhart baby!  We're patiently waiting...but if McKenzie could hurry that process along, we wouldn't be sad about that!  ...I'm sure she wouldn't be either...  So glad that we get to be in town for it.  McKenzie and I have been best friends for more years than not and when we were little we always daydreamed about being neighbors once we were grown up and married so that our kids could then be best friends like we were.  That hasn't quite been the way it has turned out.  But, hey, we can still dream!  Either way, I'm glad that we've been able to stay close all through college and now it has been so fun to have my best friend around to brave the fun adventures of momhood with!

Last but not least, I'm just looking forward to getting to relax and take pictures.  Trips to Oregon mean I get my hands free more with all the eager grandparents walking around.  Not to mention that Oregon makes for great, green outdoor pictures.  I'm lovin' it!  I'm sure that there will be plenty more pictures in the near there are bound to be some more great posts coming your way!  Thanks for reading!  I'm flattered by the feedback I've already received about the blog.  I'll do my best to keep my posts consistent!

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