Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Family Picture Pandemonium

With all of our crazy busy schedules these last couple years, it has literally been impossible for all of us to be together at the same place and the same time.  Last week we were finally able to rectify that!  So, of course, we had to document the moment with a family picture!  You never know when the next opportunity might be.  It's been awhile since our last family picture...and when I say awhile, I mean three family additions and two more high school graduates, awhile!  Yeeeah, our last picture was 8 years ago.

Finding a photographer for the one day we were able to do this shindig was proving to be a challenge.  So naturally, I offered my services.  After all, how hard can it be to snap a group picture that you also have to be in?  Yeah, I can hear every photographer in the entire world laughing at me right now.  Ha!  The answer is: not that long as you're okay with, a) a screaming baby, b) 2-4 people sneezing, blinking, or talking, c) the backs of 1-2 heads, or d) all of the above.  Otherwise...not so easy!  I was playing photographer, while simultaneously performing mom duties for the baby that was screaming for no apparent reason, and trying to make sure I was included in the picture!  Forget getting myself ready for the picture...I'm just lucky I even got eyeliner on both of dem eye bawls!  Needless to say, I learned my lesson!

All in all, I'd say the pictures turned out pretty decent, given the circumstances!

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